API Pricing (Live)

To use the POST https://api.diecuttemplates.com/dielines/ endpoint and generate dielines in custom dimensions, your account must have Die Cut Templates API Credits. All other API endpoints are free and do not consume API Credits.

When you make a request to generate a custom dieline file in any format (for example SVG), 1 API Credit will be deducted. Afterwards, requests for other formats, such as PDF or DXF, will not consume additional credits as long as the dimensions remain the same.

Die Cut Templates API Credits are available for purchase in packs of 100, 500, or 1000 credits.

Dieline API credits are valid for 12 months.


Requests made to the POST https://sandbox.api.diecuttemplates.com/dielines/ endpoint do not consume API Credits.

To generate custom dielines with specified dimensions in the sandbox environment,
use the DEMO template ID: becf-11f08